“Set Yourself Free” by Ralph Marston"

---"There is no outside force holding you back. You are holding you back and you are blaming it on someone or something else. The way you are able to continue holding yourself back is by maintaining the illusion that you're a victim. Once you realize that illusion, you will naturally and easily move forward. In fact, it is easier to fulfill your best possibilities than it is to avoid them. So let go of the blame and watch the limitations drop away. Certainly there will always be challenges that hold you back. For each challenge provides you with a pathway through which you can move toward fulfillment. It is your very nature to accomplish. Lovingly accept your destiny, and allow that accomplishment to be manifest through you. Set yourself free to follow your purpose. Set yourself free to truly live."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 6 ( R1 P4 ) : 201.4

That's 2.8 pounds above LIW. I seem to be stabilizing at or about 200-201. It's strange because some days I'll go down to 199 and then the next day back up to 201.

I'm seriously considering starting R2 P2 with the drops instead of injections very soon. Have to do some gearing up for it and then want to go full speed ahead. We went to a brunch buffet this morning and it would have been a perfect situation for a loading day. But I'm still on P4 so no such luck.

Haven't posted lately because I've been on a real serious pity party as of late and don't want to be a "debbie downer".

Things are getting better - well not really but it's my attitude that's getting better. All of this crap is within my ability to change and fix and it's just one step at a time. Once I have the house appraised this Saturday, it will give me a better indication of what I should do.

I went for a job interview Thursday - it would be a promotion if I get it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. There have been so many of my colleagues laid off over the last year that I wonder if it's secure to stay with the company I'm with but a promotion in a different department might make sense. I definitely have a fear of change and moving out of a comfort zone even if it's not that comfortable but just familiar. Maybe I'll have good news soon.